You Have To Change It Up

Art imitates life.  Right? 

In life, especially lately, we have to change things up A LOT.  For most folks, sheltering-in-place means an entirely altered lifestyle.  We do many of our daily tasks as before, but we do them differently.  (Conference calls dressed in pajamas below the waist, anyone?)

It’s the same with my painting.  I go back and forth between a very representational style and a very stylized, you-just-get-the-general-idea-of-my-subject-matter-but-the-rest-is-fly-by-seat-of-my-pants style.

Right now (and I’m not saying that this is due to SIP… but then again, I’m not NOT saying that…) I’m on a very stylized tangent.  It’s fun—it creates an entirely different set of problems to solve in the composition of a painting than the more representational stuff.  And, it allows me to figuratively play in the mud.  I get to do whatever I want to a degree—not very many rules, consequences are much less intense.  Kind of like the way we’re all living right now.

This painting is called “Picking Up Dinner.”  It’s a fox… and I love foxes.  They pounce of their prey.  If I wasn’t busy feeling sorry for some poor, unsuspecting field mouse I’d be totally smitten with how cute this fox behavior actually is.  Cute, but deadly.  That’s nature.  The fox has to eat too!  I find the behavior dynamic… so I painted it in a dynamic way.  This kind of painting is pure joy for me.  I hope you enjoy it too.

This painting, and prints of it, are available on my website:

Enjoy – and keep on rolling with the changes!